Grow Your Local Business with Postcard Printing

Located in Oswego, IL, Premier Mailing & Printing is a locally owned and operated printing company. We’ve been providing printing and mailing services to the businesses and residents of Kendall County since 2007, and are committed to helping the local business owners of the area. We care about our neighbors and our community, and our biggest goal is to help you get your business noticed.

We’ve been fortunate enough to work with a number of well-known businesses in the Chicago suburbs, providing a variety of different printing products. One of the most effective forms of print marketing is postcards, especially for local businesses. We offer direct mail postcard printing, which allows you to send a carefully planned and crafted message right to the homes of the customers you’re most interested in targeting.

Postcards are a great choice because they serve a variety of purposes and are easily customizable. Whether you’re interested in announcing a grand opening, offering a coupon, promoting an event, or sending out a save the date, postcards are the perfect solution.

The following are some of the postcards we’ve printed for local businesses over the past few years:

Spotlight Youth Theater Postcard

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We worked with Spotlight Youth Theater, a nonprofit theater arts education program for children, to print postcards announcing their Great American Tall Tales Scholastic Tour. This particular postcard targeted schools, announcing their spring tour dates and special weekday matinee pricing for school groups. The postcard provided the dates and times the theater group would be available, more information on the tour, and pricing information. It was a great way for Spotlight Youth Theater to reach their target audience and ensure that every school in the area knew about their theater tour.

All About EYES Direct Mail Postcard

A while back we printed a custom postcard for All About EYES, a local eye care provider and eye glasses retailer with locations throughout Illinois. The postcard we printed for them announced a special sale and was sent out to a targeted list, allowing the company to reach their desired audience.

Emerson Creek Pottery & Tearoom Postcard


Located in Oswego, Emerson Creek Pottery & Tearoom is a pottery shop, tearoom, and wedding venue all in one. We were honored to print their 2016 postcard, which announced the opening of Emerson Creek for the season. Double-sided, the postcard announced their openings dates and hours, and also highlighted some key events happening over the course of the spring and summer. The postcard also provides prospective visitors with an address and directions to Emerson Creek.

At Premier Mailing & Printing, we don’t just print the postcards, we can also mail them as well. We offer a wide variety of mailing services to help you get your message out to the right audience, the right way.

If you own a small to medium-sized business in the Kendall County area and are interested in reaching a wider audience, contact Premier Mailing & Printing today!